Salvia coccinea

Plant Family.......... Lamiaceae (Mint) Plant Height .... 3 Feet
Leaf Arrangement..Opposite

Habitat.............Fields, open areas
Bloom Date............August

Flower Color....Red

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Red Sage is a perennial in warm climates but acts as an annual in areas that can stay below freezing for more than a few hours at a time. It grows to 3 feet in height. It grows in southeast U.S. and down into Central America. It likes sun and can survive drought. The brilliant red flowers are arranged in whorls that are spaced along the stem. The stem is square, typical of the Mint family. Red sage is used in garden borders where brilliant color and attraction to butterflies and hummingbirds is desired. Another version of Salvia, (Salvia spendens) imported from Brazil does not attract hummingbirds. Another name for this plant is "Lady in Red". After initial seeding the plant will re-seed itself in following years. A stand of Red Sage can be seen in August at the Huntsville Botanical Garden near the Wildflower Gazebo.

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