Buck's Pocket Headquarters Area
...Ranger Station, Brochures, Hiking, Camping Info available
...Camping and Picnic Areas
...Trailheads for Point Rock, Primitive Campground and So Sauty Trails
...Restrooms and Cold Drink Machines
Point Rock Area
..400 Feet above Headquarters Area
...Parking and Picnic Facilities
...Long Boardwalk to Canyon viewing area
...Upper Trailhead for Point Rock Trail
Morgan's Cove Area
...Fishing and Boat Launch area and Large Parking Lot
...Lower.Trailhead for Primitive Campground Trail.
...Another local trail and long fishing pier.
...NiceView of Morgan's Cove access to Guntersville Lake.
High Falls Area
...Dekalb Co. Recreational Area
...Picnic Area and Nature Trails
...Largest Waterfall in Region, high divers in summer.
...Falls Viewing Area.
...Access and Take-out place for kayaks in winter.
...Nice View of Town Creek.
...New Scenic Pedestrian Bridge across Town Creek.
Point Rock Trail
...Length: 1.2 Miles, Elevation Gain, 300 feet
...Lower end trailhead, on entrance road to Buck's Pocket Park Office
...Upper end trailhead: Point Rock Picnic Area
...Features: Most popular trail. Many wildflowers in spring
........View of canyon from Point Rock
........Long Boardwalk to Point Rock Viewing Area
...Highway access at both ends.
...New orange blazes on trees mark the trail
Primitive Campground Traill
...Length: 3 Miles, Elevation gain 100 feet.
...Upper trailhead, So Sauty causeway in Park HQ area
...Lower trailhead, Morgan Cove, across fishing pier from parking
...Features: Beautiful views of cascades on So Sauty Creek
........... View of Morgan Cove
............Primitive Campground at approximate mid point in trail
............Morgan Cove fishing pier and parking lot
............Highway access at both ends
...Trail from upper trailhead to the campground follows the creek
............along a closed vehicle road.
...The trail from the primitive campground to
Morgan's landing is marked with
........... yellow ribbons.
Ribbons start at the lower end of the campground
High Bluff Trail
...A very short trail to base of High Bluff
...Access from small parking pull-off on road in to
Park HQ area
...Steep short climb and level walk both ways along base of High Bluff
Indian House Trail
...Short hike from trailhead on road into park HQ.
...Trailhead near small stream with cascade near the road
...Trail follows along top of sheer cliff. DANGEROUS
...Trail sign on road, trail marked by orange ribbons.
So Sauty Trail
...Length 2 miles
...Trailhead at north side of So Sauty Creek causeway in HQ area.
...Trail is marked with infrequent orange blazes on trees
...Trail follows creek for � mile than climbs toward bluff.
...Blazes stop after climbing 200 feet. Trail is supposed to
...continue for another mile, skirting the base of the bluff and
...Then descending back down to the river. More info
when available