he Wildflower Trail extends from the trail head at the end of Cleermont Street up along the south side of Fagan
Creek to the Wagon Trail. The total length of the trail is approximately 1/2 mile. The trail is marked by the
diamond shaped HLT markers on trees at frequent intervals. The trail is essentially level and fairly easy walking.
Fagan Creek is usually in view. The trail occasionally takes some sharp bends but by watching for the diamond trail
markers on the trees, it is easy to stay on the trail. In early spring, a very large colony of Trout Lilies is in bloom.
There is a bench near the Cleermont Street trail head. About a hundred yards from the Cleermont Trailhead, there is
a side trail leading up the slope to intersect with the Alms (3 caves) trail. Approximately 0.3 miles from the Cleermont Trail head there is a junction with the AlmsCreek Trail. A large sign marks this junction. The Alms Creek Trail also connects uphill to the Alms House (3 Caves) Trail. Sorry about the similar and confusing trail names but this what the signs say. The Wildflower Trail continues on east past the fork in Fagan Creek and up the South Fork a short distance. The Wildflower trail then crosses the South Fork of Fagan Creek and then follows the main Fagan branch to the Wagon Trail Intersection. There are Trail Signs here. This is the end of the Wildflower Trail. From here, you can return to the Cleermont Trail head via the Wildflower Trail are take any of the numerous trails to visit other places of the Huntsville Land Trust. DIRECTIONS: From California, take Hermitage East to Cleerment, then continue on Cleermont to dead end. There is a small parking place. See Wildflower Access and detailed trail links below. Also, Check the Land Trust Web site at http://www.landtrust-hsv.org/ for the wildflower and nature hikes that they sponsor.